Second article

The following are selected examples of projects undertaken by Natural Solutions.

For Flightworks projects see [LINK]

Ministry for Primary Industries (2018-2021)

Adaptive Management of Coastal Forestry Buffers (Sustainable Farming Fund Project 405683) - Tanes Tree Trust project assessing methods to transition exotic plantation on dunelands to sustainable indigenous buffers.

Marlborough District Council (2020)

Catchment Condition Survey - design and trial a field GIS method to scale up for larger catchments.

Ministry for Primary Industries (2019-2020) 

Member of the Te Uru Rākau working group to provide ecological input to the One-Year review of the National Environment Standard for Plantation Forestry (NES-PF).

Ministry for Primary Industries (2017-2020) 

SCION-led Sustainable Land Management and Climate Change project (Project 405416) - economics and carbon impacts of transitioning clear-fell planted forests to permanent cover forests on erosion-prone steep lands.

Forest Stewardship Council (2014 – current)

NZ FSC Standards Review - Environment Chamber representative of the NZ Standard Development Group.

Private Landowners (2000 – 2019)

Ecological assessments for subdivision development proposals under the Thames-Coromandel and Western Bay of Plenty District Plans.

Waikato Regional Council (2005 – 2019)

Weed management in dune environments.

Pacific Estate (2007 – 2019)

Design and implementation of an estuarine and freshwater floodplain restoration plan for the lowered Taputapuatea Stream Esplanade Reserve at Whitianga.

AsureQuality/MPI (2015 – 2019)

Aerial and ground surveys for the aquatic weed salvinia in Te Henga wetland.

Living Water partnership DOC/Fonterra (2017 / 2018)

Catchment condition GIS and field surveys of Pukorokoro-Miranda and Okarika catchments.

Department of Conservation (2016)

Otakairangi wetland aerial mapping and vegetation classification.

Tauranga City Council (2014 – 2016)

Ecological monitoring of pest animal and plant work within Significant Ecological Areas.

Queen Elizabeth II National Trust (2003 – 2015)

Coromandel and then Western Bay of Plenty representative for the establishment and monitoring of open space covenants on private land.

Tauranga City Council (2004 – 2014)

AEE and consent application for saltwater paspalum control at Matua Estuary, and resulting weed control work.

Waikato Regional Council (2010 – 2014)

AEE, control and monitoring of saltwater paspalum within the Waahi Tapu arm of  Wharekawa Harbour.

Waikato Regional Prioritisation for Saltwater Paspalum control.

Waikato Regional Council (2010/2012)

Harbour benthic habitat mapping surveys and reporting.

Orua Wetland Estate (2008-2012)

Design and implementation of a wetland restoration management plan for a Hot Water Beach subdivision.

Waikato Regional Council (2000 – 2012)

Survey and mapping of estuarine vegetation communities in harbours throughout the Waikato.

Waikato Regional Council (2012)

Assessment of Coastal Significant Natural Areas of Thames-Coromandel District to complement the 2009 SNA assessment.

Waikato Regional Council (2011)

Tairua catchment condition survey assessment.

Biodiversity Restoration Corridors: Thames-Coromandel District.

Department of Conservation (2000 – 2011)

Population monitoring for kiwi listen surveys on the Coromandel Peninsula.

Waikato Regional Council/Hauraki Gulf Forum (2009-2011)

Restoration management assessment and planning for upper Firth of Thames.

Thames-Coromandel District Council (2010)

Ecological assessment of the Natural Character of the Coromandel Peninsula to inform the District Plan review.  [report]

Are covenants working?  Biodiversity Protection through the Thames-Coromandel District Council District Plan.

Waikato Regional Council (2009)

Assessing sites of Significant Natural Areas (SNA) within the Thames-Coromandel District.

Auckland City Council (2009)

Report on the implementation of a change in policy for rates remission on covenanted land with management plans.

Ministry for the Environment (2008)

Peer review of the Indigenous Biodiversity Guidance Note for the Quality Planning website.

Thames-Coromandel District Council (2008)

A guide for staff assessment of natural feature certification under the Conservation Lot Rule of the District Plan.

Pungapunga Station (2008)

Animal pest management strategy for property at Whangapoua.

Department of Conservation (2007)

Brown teal (pateke) habitat enhancement plan at Port Charles.

Department of Conservation (2001 – 2007)

Survey, control and eradication of environmental weeds on mainland and island sites.

Royal Forest & Bird Society (2006)

AEE and floodplain restoration management plan for the lower Kauaeranga River in Thames.

Waikato Regional Council (2006)

Ecological/planning implications for coastal wetlands with projected sea level rise – pilot study in Coromandel Harbour. [report]

Department of Conservation (2004 – 2006)

Landscape survey of environmental weeds in the northern Waikato Conservancy.

Ports of Tauranga (2004)

Monitoring of sea bed levels alongside a translocated boulder bank in Tauranga Harbour.

Otorohanga District Council (2003)

Intertidal survey and ecological assessment for a proposed seawall at Aotea Village.

Department of Conservation (2003)

Preparation of a metadata inventory for all coastal-related resources in the Waikato Conservancy.

Royal Forest & Bird Society (2002)

Listening survey for remnant kokako populations in the Kaimai-Mamaku State Forest Park.

Thames-Coromandel District Council (2001)

Intertidal ecological survey for a proposed wharf redevelopment at Whangapoua Harbour.